How to Put on Shapewear for a Smooth and Comfortable Experience – Are you a shapewear pro or a shapewear novice? If you don’t really have much experience putting on the best tummy control shapewear or other kinds of body shapers, there are chances you might fail at getting the slimming results you want. Plus, it might feel like a hassle to fit into your snug shapers from Shapellx.
So, here are some really useful shapewear tips that will make the whole process feel like a breeze. You’ll be able to wear these pieces every day without trouble.
1. Choose the Right Size
Very simple, but very important – choose the right shapewear size from Shapellx. It’s obvious that wearing the wrong size is more troublesome. You can’t fit nicely into garments that are smaller than your size or simply not suitable for your particular body type.
2. Get the Right Comfort Level
At Shapellx, you have the wonderful option of choosing the comfort level for a tummy control bodysuit or other pieces. The curviest look can come with super-firm support. But keep in mind that these pieces are harder to put on and take lots of time. So, if you are a beginner, go for light or medium support shapewear. When you get used to these, you can move on to the tighter pieces with super-firm support.
3. Prepare your Skin
Do you know how experts put on their snug shapewear so easily? They do so by preparing their skin first! It’s so simple – just make sure your skin is not wet. It should be completely dry with no oil, lotions, or moisture on it.
So, if you have just come out of the shower, take a few minutes to dry your body completely. Skin the body creams and moisturizers so that you can wear your shapewear with ease.
4. Don’t Pull Over
The next important step pros use to put on body shapers smoothly is by wearing it the right way. you should never pull it over. Instead, you have to kind of step into it. So, you move yourself into your body shaping garments instead of pulling them over your head. This is a rule and if you follow it, you will never have to spend too much time putting on your body shaping pieces.
5. Adjust from Bottom Up
Now you know which direction you need to put on your shapewear from. Naturally, you need to adjust it from bottom up. If you are wearing the best butt lifting shapewear or a full coverage bodysuit, start adjusting from the bottom till it’s all smooth.
6. Don’t Rush
Take your time when you are putting on your shapewear. The more you rush, the more your shapewear might feel difficult to put on. So, take things slowly so that everything is perfect and well-adjusted.
Final Thoughts
Wearing shapewear makes your look perfect. But, putting it on is not as easy as it looks on models. So, you need the right tips to make your shapewear process easy and convenient. These SOS steps can make you a shapewear pro soon.
Bagus ya shapewear-nya. Aku kepengen punya deh ih. Biar perut bisa kekunci. Gak gombyor dan gay buncit. Soalnya itu yang paling susah walopun banyak olahraga.
Bener mbak, itu olahraga khusus keknya khusus utk perut, selain kurangin makan lemak hehe.
Pake shapewear bole juga ya kan
sama ih, aku belum pernah coba sih pakai shapewear kayak gini. Tapi jadi kepikiran buat punya dan pakai, apalagi kalai bahannya dan modelnya juga nyaman dan aman di pakai buat pakaian dalam
Impian semua wanita punya body goal, kalau belum kesampean bisa pakai alat bantu contohnya produk shapewear ini , ya, kan hehe
If want to feel comfort, the most important thing is choosing the right size.
Thats right, Wear an outfit according to our size to be comfortable
Wow bagus banget ya shapewear-shapewearnya. Ternyata selain bagus dan keren juga nyaman. Keren deh pokoknya.
Kalau bahan enak harusnya nyaman dipake yaa
This shapewear really helps women to display their ideal body shape. The model and color can also be adjusted to suit your needs. So it looks charming.
Suitable for those who want to hide fat, Right? hihii
huhuhu jadi inget, saya butuh minimal satu nih shapewear
karena bikin cutting baju luaran/outfit terlihat sempurna
termasuk ketika pakai kebaya, shapewear bikin lemak2 terbungkus sempurna
Hhihii betul Ambu
Nah memilih shapwear yg tepat dan masih kadang diabaikan adalah pemilihan ukurannya. Harus pastikan size nya pun benar dan sesuai agar lebih nyaman dikenakan dan durasi pakainya bisa lebih awet karena jika kekecilan bisa bikin mudah rusak
Betul mbak, harus bener2 pilih yng pas di badan ya, biar nyaman juga
Married women certainly have a different body shape when they are single. And you really need the right shapewear that can give you full confidence to look stunning again, at least in front of your partner.
Stunning in front of your partner is the goal ya, Teh… hihiii
Cuttingnya yang rapi dan pas di badan, membuat si pemakainya jadi lebih percaya diri.
Apalgi kalau melihat bahannya, sepertinya menyerap keringat, jadi gak bikin gerah
Iya mbak, bahannya terlihat nyaman di badan ya
Shapewear sekarang, bahannya makin nyaman, pastikan memilih ukuran yang tepat untuk hasil maksimal.Dengan shapewear sekarang makin percaya diri,
Pastinya makin pede kalau badan udah tercapai goalnya alias body goal meski dibantu shapewear ya, mbak, hehe
Wah dia bagus ya keliatan dari bahannya yang tebal dan nggak tembus, pastinya juga nggak bikin gerah di cuaca panas sekarang.
Bagus mbak, bahannya elastis, tebel dan lembut bangeet
Wah shapewear nya ada yang baru, banyak pilihannya trus cakep-cakep lagii..
Apalagi bahannya bagus dan nyaman dipakai ya mba..
Iya mbak, kelihatan yaa ngikut badan, pasti nyaman dipake
Wah wajib punya minimal 1 shapewear. Bikin badan dan outfit yang dipake keliatan bagus
Iya betul mbak, sebelum diet berhasil untuk menyiasatinya pakai shapewear ya kan hihii